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What we can offer

Advisory Services

Want to start your own Pasifika project/initiative? We can help you plan, support you with writing funding applications and point you in the right direction! Contact us now. 

Networking and connections

We aim to hold talanoaga (meetings) with our Pacific Youth Providers regularly, If you would like to be involved to network, connect and tautoko each other - email us and we can help. 

Website creation

To connect with youth, you need a digital presence.


If you need to build your digital platform or get advice on this matter - we can help!

physical movement

We have an extensive background both professionally and culturally in physical movement.


It is one of the best ways we can keep our Tagata Moana generations healthy while also using it as a tool to pass on tradition and culture. 

Event support

Need help with planning an event or even getting in contact with the right people? Email or call us.

We can assist with planning, facilitating or helping behind the scenes with any youth based Pasefika project. 


Our Pasefika culture thrives through oral storytelling. With the rapid advancement of the digital age, we can use this to our advantage to tell our stories and treasure them. 

We can assist in telling your story the way you want it and in the most impactful way for your cause.


Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.

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Fa'afetai Lava. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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